Beautician Whitening VS Professional Dental Whitening
They say you’re never fully dressed without a smile and sometimes simple things like having whiter teeth can dramatically change your self-image. Teeth whitening is a treatment designed to transform your teeth from being yellow and stained to having a whiter, brighter smile, giving you that self-confidence you’ve always wished for. Improvement in your self-image shows that not only will you notice the change in yourself but others will notice too, so it is not surprising to know that the first thing people take care of is their teeth.So I have decided I want my teeth whiter, but what is the process of teeth whitening? And what are the final results like?What Is Teeth Whitening?Teeth whitening is a treatment that involves lightening the shade of your natural teeth. This process is carried out by making custom made trays, designed to fit your teeth. Your dentist will provide you with a special hydrogen peroxide gel (in syringe form) and will demonstrate how and when to carefully use them along with the trays provided.Click Contact us to book you Free Whitening Consultation Appointment.When Should I Start Seeing Results?Everyone is different. Usually, it takes a minimum of 10-14 days for you to get the full effect, however you should see a difference in colour after a few days. During your whitening appointment, your dentist should record the shade of your teeth before you start treatment. After a few weeks, you should visit your dentist for a review appointment, to record your tooth colour again and compare.Once your teeth have been whitened, it is important that you continue to look after them properly to prevent them from becoming discoloured or stained. If your teeth do start to become stained again, you can purchase the top up whitening syringes from your dentist. It is a legal requirement for your dentist to book you in for a review appointment before any syringes are prescribed.I have seen a beauty spa who offers teeth whitening for half the price, so why should I choose a dentist?The combinations of peroxides we use are far stronger to anything you will find in a beauty spa or on the high street. state that it is not legal for anyone other than a dentist (or dental hygienist or dental therapist working to prescription of a dentist) to carry out tooth whitening. If other professionals choose to use these percentages, they will leave themselves liable to prosecution. It is very important that you visit an experienced dentist for teeth whitening as they need to assess the health of your teeth and gums to decide whether teeth whitening is suitable for you. If done wrongly, teeth whitening can permanently damage your teeth, gums and lips. Click story for a recent story (BBC news 20/09/2015)Click Teeth Whitening page for more information on Teeth Whitening.